
Via Ferrata. Moderate

Via Ferrata routes are vertical and horizontal itineraries equipped with steps, handrails, cables, stairs, zip lines and hanging bridges that run through walls and allow those who are not into climbing, a first taste of vertical world.
In Roger Mountain Guide, we differentiate between 3 difficulty levels, so you'll find the challenge tailored to your group's capabilities and expectations. initiation, moderate and expert.
Moderate level; Via ferratas suitable for all audiences, both those who start in this exciting modality and those who already have experience. Longer routes, air steps and approaches or returns on mountain trails.

1-Ferrata de Les, Les

Dificultat: K4 (sobre 6)

Grup màx; 4 persones

Temps total aprox; 3h (Aproximació; 10 min, Retorn: 30min)

Temps de conducció des de Vielha: 20 minuts

Aquesta és probablement una de les poques vies ferrates que ens desafía just al principi amb la secció més exigent. Un tram desplomat per sota d’una impresionant mola de roca ens servirà d’escalfament explosiu, seguit d’un pont tibetà que ens durà al segon tram del recorriegut, molt més fàcil, que travessa un bonic bosc de falgueres i ens conduirà fins al cim d’un bon mirador sobre el Baish Aran. El cami de tornada és un agradable passeig pels boscos típics de la zona

2-Tossal de Miravet, Pont de Suert

Dificultat: K4 (sobre 6)

Grup màx.; 4 persones

Temps total aprox; 3h (Aproximació; 15 minuts. Retorn: 40min)

Temps de conducció des de Vielha: 40 minuts

La via ferrata del Tossal de Miravet ens ofereix una mica de tot en un recorregut perfectamente planificat on la dificultat es va incrementant de manera gradual. Disposa de retirades des de diferents punts del recorregut de manera que podem gestionar sense problemes el grau de compromís. Està dividida en 3 trams, progressant per arestes, plaques, ponts tibetans, una tirolina, un tram desplomat i una secció on progressarem directament per la roca com autèntics escaladors.

3-Pui de Unha, 1r + 2n tram, Unha

Dificultat: K4 (sobre 6)

Grup màx.; 4 persones

Temps total aprox; 4 h (Aproximació; 30 minuts. Retorno: 45min)

Temps de conducció des de Vielha: 10 minuts

Aquesta via ferrata nes deixarà un record perdurable. Una bona combinació de passos aèris perfectamente equipats, 3 ponts tibetans, una espectacular escala penjant, algun pas lleugerament desplomado…i sobre tot, un ambient d’alta muntanya amb vistes espectaculars sobre els pobles del Naut Aran, les muntanyes de Baqueira, del Parque Nacional i fins i tot de l’Aneto. Tant l’accés como el retorn son en si mateixos excursions per amants de la muntanya.

1-Ferrata of Les, Les

Difficulty: K4 (out of 6)

Group Max; 4 people

Total time approx; 3h (approximation; 10 min, return: 30min)

Driving time from Vielha: 20 minutes

This is probably one of the few ferrata routes that challenges you right at the beginning with the most demanding section. An overhanging section beneath a huge boulder will serve as an explosive warming, followed by a Tibetan bridge that takes us to the second stretch of the route, much easier, which crosses a beautiful forest of ferns and will lead to the top of a nice viewpoint over Baish Aran. The way back is a pleasant stroll through the typical forests of the area

2-Tossal de Miravet, Pont de Suert

Difficulty: K4 (out of 6)

Group Max.; 4 people

Total time approx; 3h (approximation; 15 minutes. Return: 40min)

Driving time from Vielha: 40 minutes

The Via ferrata of Tossal de Miravet offers a little of everything in a perfect planned route where the difficulty is increasing gradually. It has scapes from different points of the route so that we can manage without problems the level of commitment. It is divided into 3 sections, progressing on ridges, slabss, Tibetan bridges, a zip line, an overhenging section and a section where we will progress directly through the rock as true climbers.

3-Pui of Unha, 1st + 2nd stages, Unha

Difficulty: K4 (out of 6)

Group Max.; 4 people

Total time approx; 4 h (approach; 30 minutes. Return: 45min)

Driving time from Vielha: 10 minutes

This ferrata will leave us a lasting memory. A good combination of perfectly equipped aerial steps, 3 Tibetan bridges, a spectacular hanging staircase, some slightly overhanging… And above all, a high-mountain atmosphere with spectacular views over the villages of Naut Aran, the mountains of Baqueira, the National park and even the Aneto. Both access and the return are on themselves excursions for mountain lovers.

Spectacular views
Acrobatic sections
Gear included

Sport clothes and shoes

Gloves and suglasses

Food and drink

1. omplir el formulari següent:

2. Us enviarem el contracte amb les vostres dades i l'haurieu de frimar
3. Ingrés de Paga i Señal, 50% del total, al següent cc:
ES09 2100 2904 0002 0718 8253
Concepte: XXXXXX/Nom

    Via Ferrata. Moderate

    • Dates: All year round
    • Time: 3/4h
    • Price: 1 person, 200€
      2 people, 100€pp
      3 people, 80€pp
      4 people, 65€pp
      5 people, 50€pp
    • Level: Moderate
    • Group: max 5 per guide


    Certified mountain guide

    Not Included

    Food and drink